Showing by category: Income/Business Ideas

Using YouTube to Create and Grow Your Business
I don?t know about you, but I?m something of a YouTube junkie. Since I work at home, I often have music videos playing while I work. And anytime I need to get information on how to do something, YouTube is my first stop. It?s something like a giant information and entertainment TV, but one that you Continue Reading
Some Jobs Are NOT Worth Having
In the past I've written about the often negative consequences of various jobs and income situations. Today's post is on a related topic, but it centers on my own personal experience with a job I probably would have been better off if I'd never taken. And it taught me - going forward - that some job Continue Reading
Multiple Income Streams to replace One Man-One Job?
You may be employed at the moment - in fact you may even be well-employed. But look at many others around you and what do you see? With millions unemployed, millions more under-employed, and hundreds of thousands of jobs being outsourced to lower wage countries, what does the future of employment ho Continue Reading
A Chicken in Every Yard?
A news story on CNN a while back caught my interest. "Backyard Chickens". You just have to stop and watch a segment like that, if only to answer the nagging question, what?s up with that? Now in typical TV news fashion, the segment moved quickly, from one bullet point to another, spending not a w Continue Reading
Adding Product Lines to the Multiple Income Streams Mix
If you?ve spent any time on this site at all, you know that I?ve advocated in favor of?multiple income streams as a strategy for dealing with everything from increasing your income to setting up a retirement Plan B. The world that we live in today is just not as simple as it once was, and the only r Continue Reading
Why Most New Businesses Fail ? And How Not to Become One of Them
Are you thinking about starting your own business? If so, you have a lot of company. According to the Department of Labor, more than one million new businesses are formed each year. But most new businesses fail. Depending on the source quoted, somewhere between 50% and 90% will fail, usually in the Continue Reading
Create an Income Diversification with Blogging
The job market is forcing us to think in terms developing an income portfolio. Blogging is a way to begin to create income diversification. One extra income will get it going for you, and you?ll never have to worry about layoffs again. Continue Reading
10 Part Time Jobs with High Pay
There are part-time jobs with high pay, and they?re flexible jobs that can be used to supplement business or retirement income, to pay off debts, or to increase retirement savings. Continue Reading
A Side Business May be Your Best Opportunity For the Future
It seems certain that a respectable amount of improvement in both the economy and the job market has taken place since the depths of the recession. But if we?re honest, the job market has not returned to normal, at least not ?normal? in the way that it was in 2006, and certainly not for most of the Continue Reading
Earn Extra Cash With Micro-Projects
As a freelancer, I'm always interested in learning about new ways to make money. I recently became aware of something new, something that's been developing only in the past few years, called micro-projects. These are projects that you do as they become available, and as you are available to complete Continue Reading