Showing by category: Income/Business Ideas

Start your own online store--it's today?s version 21st Century cottage industry. It's a way for ?the little guy? to have his own internet business. Continue Reading
Investors and Partners for <em>ProtoPit–</em>Are You Interested in an Opportunity?
If you're looking to get into the ground floor on the electric smoker grill market, here's your chance... Continue Reading
By Kevin M Just about everyone has stuff sitting around the house doing close to nothing, but some of it could put some money in your wallet, or better, your bank account. On an otherwise uncommitted weekend, convince yourself you?re moving soon, and will need to pare down your collectio Continue Reading
Income sources you'll be Richer for NOT having tried - Part 3 By Kevin M In the previous posts in this series we've covered the implications of TV infomercials as well as real estate, insurance and car sales as a means to overcome a career- or financial crisis. All of these efforts are an att Continue Reading
The Big Three Sales Careers: Real Estate, Insurance and Car Sales By Kevin M Sooner or later every person who finds him- or her-self in a tough financial situation or career crisis tries their luck at one of the Big Three Sales ?Careers?. Let?s face it, we all see ourselves as something Continue Reading
When money gets tight Get-Rich-Quick infomercials start to make sense By Kevin M Ever Watch Late Night Television? When money gets tight and the bank balance drops and you start experiencing sleepless nights, there?s a temptation to throw caution to the wind and try things you wouldn?t ordi Continue Reading
The Economy is Choking on Cost Containment By Kevin M The other day, my wife called our prospective health insurance carrier, trying to get our plan initiated. She was greeted by voice mail and immediately placed on hold. Once she did get a live voice, she was placed on hold two more times, on Continue Reading
STRATEGY #5 TO SURVIVE A DOWN ECONOMY By Kevin M In the dreary job market of the moment, people are having difficulty with two major areas in particular: keeping a steady income flow and increasing that flow. The increasing level of unemployment is not only eliminating jobs, but it?s also pu Continue Reading
STRATEGY #6 TO SURVIVE A DOWN ECONOMY By Kevin M If there?s ever been a time to adopt flexibility as a strategy, it?s now. The certainty we knew only a few short years ago is currently failing us, and our progress and even our survival may rest on our willingness to adapt to change and to ne Continue Reading
Working a part time job or side business in combination with a full time situation can be a tough juggling act, especially over the long haul. Some people can manage it, but probably most can?t, at least not for extended periods. It?s called having a life! But sometimes you just need a little bit Continue Reading