Showing by category: Real Estate

5 Ways to Slash Home Construction Costs
Owning a house is a dream come true for many Americans. But many potential homeowners are torn between buying an existing home and building one from scratch. If you opt for a custom build, you can capitalize on benefits like customization, low competition, low maintenance, and sparkling living space Continue Reading
How to Buy a Foreclosed Home in 2020
Are you ready to take the plunge and buy a home? If you answered yes, you may be considering buying a new home. Have you thought about buying a foreclosed home instead? Motivated sellers, increased bargaining power, conducting home inspections during the standard contingency period are some of t Continue Reading
To buy your first home is a major milestone in life. In American society, it?s often seen as a sign of ?making it? ? a sign that you?re an adult with a stable financial situation, on the way to filling that home with a family. That?s not to mention the fact that a home is also seen as an effectiv Continue Reading
Landlord of the Rings: 5 Things You Must Know Before Renting Out Your Home ? Not After
A while ago, we took a look at why you may be better off renting a home instead of buying one. To recap, some of the key advantages are: Greater geographic mobility to follow a job. No trapped capital. Owning isn?t as cheap as it used to be. Tax reforms have removed the tax ben Continue Reading
Getting Mobile Before the Next Recession Hits
A recession is out there somewhere waiting to happen. The best time to prepare is always before it hits. One of the best forms of preparation possible is getting mobile. That may include changing your living arrangement. As is frequently the case with articles, a topic often takes unexpected turn Continue Reading
What You Need to Know About Fix and Flip Loans
With a vision, some hard work and a bit of technical knowledge about construction you can begin making an income fixing and flipping houses. But the hurdle that determines who can take on this endeavor and who is left in the lurch comes down to the loan. There are a few different loan types for flip Continue Reading
5 Small Ways to Make Your Home Feel Fresh and Inviting Again
With all of life?s demands, it can sometimes be difficult to prioritize cleaning and sprucing up your home. ?This can be especially tough during the holiday season, when most of your free time is probably spent baking, wrapping presents, and sending out holiday cards. ?If your space could use some T Continue Reading
How to Get Rid of Your Timeshare For Good
Why are so many people drawn to vacation ownership? For one thing, it is an incredibly affordable way to vacation. You can purchase a timeshare at a resort of your choice for a lifetime of vacations that include luxury accommodations, a plethora of incredible amenities and services, and the ability Continue Reading
Are HOAs Cults Behind Smiling Faces?
In Why You Should Avoid Buying in HOA Neighborhoods, frequent commentator Nila Ridings suggested that HOAs are cult-like. Having lived in several myself, I have to agree with Nila's observation. I've described them as the adult equivalent of a high school clique. Are HOAs cults? A strong case can be Continue Reading
Why You May be Better Off Renting Your Home
There's no question, owning a home is the emotional preferred choice. It also fits more comfortably with him humanity's tendency toward normalcy bias ? the general assumption that whatever has worked in the past will always work in the future. But as the nature and core structure of America's econom Continue Reading